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Contact Us

Please call us at (305)534-2525 or reach us by email at


All patients are welcome whether they have dental insurance coverage or not.

We are a participating provider for most PPO dental insurance networks. We are not a member of any HMO groups.


We accept all standard forms of payment including cash, check, and all major credit cards.

We offer flexible payment schedules for longer treatment plans.

We also provide no interest or low interest financing through CareCredit, Citi Health and Chase Health Advantage.


There is a City of Miami Beach public parking garage downstairs at Sheridan and 42nd St. There are usually plenty of meters available as well.


We are located in the 333 building on the north side of 41st St. (also called Arthur Godfrey Road) in Miami Beach, Suite # 706.

If entering address into a GPS, type West 41st Street (although we are far east, only blocks from the beautiful Atlantic ocean!)

There is a Dunkin Donuts on the corner. We are only 5 short minutes away from I-95 via the Julia Tuttle Causeway (195).

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